Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Grandpa and Grandma Parker gave me chocolate

Trey was a Bakugan and Levi was a devil along with my nephews Jaxon and Deegan

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The boyz

First day kindergarten

Trey and Brandon built this jump. Trey went over the handlebars, we have it on video.

Trey got his head shaved

Checkout all that hair

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Levi is getting so big

Look what dad taught me

Check out that face

I hate my new carseat, it makes me sit up.

Trey has had a fun summer

Trey loves swimming

Trey is a great babysitter of Levi

Trey played T-ball this summer. Dad was the coach. It was the funniest thing to watch twelve 5-7 year olds run for the ball.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Trey Graduated Preschool

Trey was assigned Old King Cole as his rhyme to perform at graduation. Stacey had fun helping him learn it and making the costume. Brandon hopes he forgets the rhyme soon, he is sick of hearing it.

Levi will be 5 months old this week. He is growing so fast.